Belle & Wissell crafted a multi-dimensional, educational platform for visitors to the acclaimed Seattle Central Library. The new Visitor Center Exhibit, catering to users of all ages, transforms the typical Library experience.

Visitors getting oriented at the Look Station

Visitors getting oriented at the Look Station.


The Seattle Central Library is a striking, iconic element of the skyline designed by world-renowned Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas. Its architectural significance and receptive ideology make it the most-visited site in Seattle, drawing almost 2 million visitors annually. Belle & Wissell designed the Visitor Center Exhibit to evoke the same form-follows-function approach of the Koolhaas Central Library. 

Directory view

The Directory View of the Visitor Center Exhibit interactive displays the unique architecture of our Central Library. Visitors are invited to explore the structure by touching and spinning a three-dimensional virtual model.


Belle & Wissell worked closely with Lockwood & Sons, a design build company, to realize this exhibit. The Visitor Center Exhibit was produced in close collaboration with the Seattle Public Library and the Seattle Public Library Foundation.

View of the exhibit from 5th Avenue. The hulking profile and glass mesh skeleton of Seattle's Central Library makes for an instantly recognizable silhouette.

View of the exhibit from 5th Avenue. The hulking profile and glass mesh skeleton of Seattle’s Central Library makes for an instantly recognizable silhouette.


The Visitor Center Exhibit “Look” and “Learn” stations feature interactive and dynamic components celebrating librarians, libraries, and their indispensable role as a civic resource. Users can discover historical information, facts about the design and philosophy of the Central Library, and personal interviews produced by StoryCorps.

Maps, statistics, and social media feeds in the Visitor Center exhibit.

Descriptive maps, animated statistics, and social media feeds encourage visitors to get involved.